Burned-out, frustrated, stressed in IT industry? You might have increased memory impairment and heart attack risk!

Sit at the steering wheel of your life and reclaim peace within 21days, using my 10+ proven scientific TEMPLATES from my BOOK without lengthy practices or drastic lifestyle changes, even if you have a chaotic mind or a busy schedule

Get Instant Access Now!

  • Experience proven stress reduction and enhanced focus with just 15 minutes of daily super simple scientific mindfulness practice template from the book.
  • Overwhelmed by a never-ending workload? It's time to break free from the chaos!
  • Struggling to balance work and personal life? It doesn't have to be this way!
  • Deepen connections and feel more loved by cultivating a persona that naturally attracts positive relationships and enriches social interactions using the Golden Touch Template from the book within 30 days.
  • Afraid of burning out? Learn how to prevent it before it’s too late!
  • Boost your self-esteem, confidence, and personal growth with mindfulness practices that recognize your inherent worth.
  • No family time? It is time to love them.
  • Clearly differentiate between your life and life-situations more positively with flexible and adaptive perspective-shifting techniques.
  • Love and enjoy your life by having logical deeper meaning in daily activities.
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Meet Faruk Munshi

I am Faruk Munshi, India's First IT Burnout Life Coach and Identity Recreation Mentor.

There was a time when I was in excruciating stress, frustration, and depression because of my IT workplace. I was burned out and unaware that it was a critical problem that needed and had solutions. I kept postponing my life and happiness again and again for the weekends or holidays, unaware that this unhealthy mental state was taking a toll on my heart and brain health.

We have a tendency to stay stressed, burned out, frustrated, and waiting for the weekends or holidays to arrive for relief, postponing happiness for the future.

Have you ever felt so stressed, frustrated, and burned out, dragging yourself like a burden all the workdays, but instead of thinking about the real core solution, you just waited for the weekends to live your life, letting this unhealthy mental state take a toll on your heart, brain, and physical body?

Yes, so many recent study shows that staying in this unhealthy mental state for long increases your heart attack risk, and causes memory impairment, and other physical complexities.

My life's mission is to help IT folks regain control over their life and flourish in their workplace without compromising work-life balance, and mental and physical well-being.

  • India's First IT Burnout Life Coach
  • Featured in Mindvalley Coaching Website
  • Changed 500+ lives
  • Coached 1000+ hours

Here Are Some Amazing Outcomes:



Learn The Magical Ancient Healing Technique which

will help you instantly release any negative emotions

you are feeling in your life right now. Would you like


Reconnect with yourself and experience self-love like

you have never experienced before. Would you like


I promise you will have an Experience of Tears of Joy

which you will always remember in this small Magical

Session. Would you like to experience this?

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